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Thread: vouch request

  1. #1
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Dec 2009
    • Posts: 3

    Default vouch request

    - Personal information and background:

    Hey my name is Michael, im 20 years old, and come from Denmark. i work hard and game alot of dota sc2 and cs 1.6

    - Previous DotA experience:

    i have played dota for 5 years, 2 years public, 3 years compedetive, atm i play in a div 3 clan at dota-league (placed 2nd in our season so maybe div 2), i have played alot with The_13abyknight (Jon)

    - Gameplay information:

    i can play all heroes and all roles, i would prefere support/ganker/semi carry - i hate being carry cause i hate farming too much, not that i cant do it - i just think its booring...

    - How skilled do you consider yourself. Low, mid, high?


    - Post atleast 2 replays of you in action
    or any of our div 3 replays:

    - Why do you want to play in iHL?

    Cause sometimes its nice to have a relaxing game where you can try new stuff... and some of my friends play there...

    - Are you aware of the iHL rules (here) and will you follow them?

    - What parts of the rules do you think could be improved?

    Hmm i think they are okey...

    - What's your battlenet account?


  2. #2
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Dec 2009
    • Posts: 3


    Changed nick to C-inc.Hope-

  3. #3
    Rank: Squire
    • Join Date: Apr 2010
    • Posts: 109



    Good player!

    Though he got stomped in VIP SIG! By my imba KKA xD!:P
    Last edited by Megabyte]ME; 08-11-2010 at 09:06 PM.
    Hello ^_^

  4. #4
    Rank: Squire
    • Join Date: Apr 2010
    • Posts: 109


    Why don�t you guys vouch Hope- ? :S
    Hello ^_^

  5. #5
    Rank: Enthusiast
    • Join Date: Oct 2010
    • Posts: 169


    supp from me skilled player must be vouched

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