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    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Jul 2009
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    Default Dota-Pride 1 Rules Updated 11/10/2009

    ======Dota Pride 1 Ingame Rules======

    ---=Game facilitation=---

    To cut down the time wastage from channel to in-game, all players must not be afk or away at this time, he or she may be punished for time wasting, if the game do not proceed from channel to in-game by 8Mins (Could lead to ban, after several times ) Which the team could decide to truant a player if hes not in game and ventrilo by 10Mins.

    ---=Inhouse Dota Pride Game Rules=---

    When the game has started inside, both teams can only have a pause period of up to 2 minute or so,Dota-Pride 1 is not for winning.
    Creep skipping is not allowed, meaning you may not attack the enemies building without creep support. If you reached the building with creeps you are though allowed to continue attacking it even if the creeps are killed. If you reached the opponents base together with allied creeps, you may attack all buildings, and you do not have to cancel your attack if your creeps have been killed.

    Comment 2:A player can destroy a denyable tower at any time except Base Tower/Rax.

    Comment 3:A player can entry enemy's base and hit a tower/rax at the time his allied mobs are up to arive for maximum
    4 seconds.Otherwised it is a backdoor.


    Dota-Pride hates manners and Racisms,that means ,Respect,is all you need to keep tou tuned.
    You may be the best in the world,and you may think things differently from other players,but don't let your arrogance overcome yourself.
    Respect each others skill and person. If you don't like a respective
    person, try to compromise or deal with it in a mature way.You can act like a human (yes,not animal) and spend 5 minutes from your life to post the replay with the person you are about to criticize and admins will take care of everything.
    Administrators will NOT allow any kind of flames or disrespect towards anyone. Racial slurs ,racism and heavy flame will result in a severe punishment.

    Comment : Manners,are a difficult issue so there will be no excuses.Punishment goes for simple manners from 2 days
    to 1 week.Heavy flame,racism will lead you to unvouch.

    ---=The Captain System=---

    In a challenge game, the captain selected will be the one who accepted or initiated the challenge in game. All the players in team must listen and heed his advices and command in the running of the game. In most situation, the captain should be Captain( Rank ), top rated in startgame, or they can be Staff.By all means,a leader,will deserve leadership at a most of the times.
    In cases where they cannot decide on choices (more than 2 equal rank etc), they should use -roll to decide. It's also encouraging to give a competitive seasoned player with great leadership to guide the game and vote him as captain in-game, however we also encourage new player to take up the
    roles and responsibility of running a game.
    Vary on each situation, captain cannot force a player to do extreme or unreasonable task. At all times, players must understand their responsibility and in-game/hero's role, they are to contribute to the game without having the captain to emphasize. For instance, support heroes buy chicken,
    upgrading of bird and warding to de-warding the map.Players are encouraged to update the situation to captain when they faced difficulty to fulfill their role, so that the captain can make other changes and decision in-game.
    Its just a shame for me to right this Rule for peoples who are in dota-pride 1.
    Dota-Pride 1 is a hight-end competitive gaming channel which means,you all know what to do,we just remember you
    because sime times you may forget



    Modes: In draft, the captain are to assign heroes and roles for players, players must listen to captain's calls and take up the hero they are given. Player can ask for swap of heroes only after they are assigned, they cannot immediately pick whichever hero they want to use.

    ---=SD Mode=---

    Players are supposed to type in ally chat or using ventrilo, of the 3 heroes they have in hand and for captain to decide and pick whatever heroes for the team.

    Comment:Some startgames goes sd , that doesnt mean you are not supposed to show your hand to your
    allies.Teamwork is the best choice.

    ---=CM Mode=---

    Captain goes on Blue Colour or Ping Colour.
    Captain chooses and bans heroes accorded to his plan.
    Player's heroes and roles will be assigned by Captain.
    A Captain can control player's swap of heroes and choose the hero he want for himself
    A Captain may call team on Ventrilo and can force truant on a person who may not have ventrilo.

    Dota-Pride,supports strong gaming in DP 1

    ---=ARDM Mode=---

    In ARDM like CM,A Captain can control team player's swap of heroes and choose the
    hero they want for themselves.

    ---=Being a Captain sometimes is difficult=---

    As there will always be a winner in the game, the team should not blame the fall of the game to the Captain, but working along to producing a better GG in the end. If the Captain couldn't met up to expectations, he/she will eventually not be selected to lead, or ranked Captain may also lead to
    demote based on situation and decisions from Admins & Manager.
    If some users,or leaders,or censors believe,that some peoples doesnt deserve being a captain,they may post a thread in sections and administrators will take care of things according to their beliefs.

    In Game Rules

    ---=Starting a Game=---

    As mentioned in "Game Facilitation" if a player doesnt show up , he gets punished with the command ".truant"

    ---=Saving Games=---

    On the collective agreement of both teams, players can save the game periodically, or after important events(team battles, buildings destruction). In case someone drops from the game, his team can demand a reload from the latest save in case all of the following conditions are fulfilled:

    1. The teams' kill/death difference plus the difference of important buildings(barracks and towers) has not changed 3 or more points into the favor of opposing team(example: at the moment of
    last save teams' score was 35/30; Team1 can demand a load if the score is 35/33 or 36/34 and so on,in case no buildings, or equal number of buildings was destroyed; cannot demand, if the score is 35/34 or 36/35 and so on)
    2.Not more that 7 heroes from any teams died since the latest save
    3.Not more than 10 minutes passed since the moment of the latest save

    ---=Dropped Players=---

    A dropped player's team basicly has the following options:
    1.) They may request a reload from save game, in case conditions described above are fulfilled.
    2.) They may decide to keep playing and in this case they are allowed to use the hero the way they
    like. They may either leave the items or sell them directly off of the dropped hero, or, in case the whole team aggrees, a player may take an item or all the items ,or they all can have from one item e.t.c from the dropped hero.

    ---=Dropping Management=---

    If a player dropped before 15 minutes of gameplay, Team,may go out,and use the command ".truant playername".He loses -40CF and -80xp.

    If a Player dropped after 15 minutes of gameplay ,Team,may continue like they want (As mentioned earlier from Dropped Players section) and use the command ".exclude playername" after game is finished.He loses
    -40CF and -80xp.

    Comment : If anyone drops from a game (whatever reason is accepted if its not abusing DP1 policy) and the game has lasted less than 15 minutes , If there is a captain , he cant accept to stay with his team.


    Dota-Pride 1 does not accept "afk" in game,except for serius human reasons.Otherwise being afk is heavily punished cause of ruin of the game.
    When someone goes afk you can report it to the opponent.Leave the game, and call the nickname of the person who was "AFK".All players,must .truant Tha player and the game will close in result "draw",This rule applies
    Only when this situation is occurred until 15th minute of gaming.
    In Case a player goes "AFK" after 15 minutes,Then,the game must continue according to DP 1 rules and the afked player will get .exclude in the end of the game.Result is original and goes to the team that won the game.

    If anyone fails to join a game within 10 minutes since its start in channel due to technical problems,players in game can punish him with a truant on a collective agreement. Remember though, that a gesture of good will and situation understanding is always appreciated and is a sign of fair

    ---=Fatal Errors=---

    Sometimes Peoples prefer host that US-Hostbot,in that case...
    If a fatal error occurs (happens when host has a fatal error) the game will be resulted draw unless a team has an advantage of atleast 4 barracks ie. having destroyed 4 of the opponents barracks without losing any themselves or having destroyed all of the opponents barracks and only lost 2. If there is less than a difference of 4 destroyed barracks the game will still be resulted as a draw. If a host drops at any point then you will have to truant host.
    In case of a savegame prior to the fatal both teams has to agree on a remake from the save.

    ---=The FF Rule=---

    In order for a team to forfeit (ff) u will need to have 4 players agree and type ff in all chat. If this rule is violated, only the members of the forfeiting team are legit to post a complaint into our forum.

    ---=Dota-Pride 1 Item Restrictions=---

    -->One Refresher Orb per team
    -->Two Necronomicon per team
    -->Two Hex / One Euls per team
    -->One Arcane Ring per team
    -->One Khadgard's Pipe of insight per team


    In the event of a remake, the map is to be restarted with the same settings. This includes the same players selecting the same heroes, abilities, and starting items, and the same game type.
    This Rule does not affect an -Allrandom game.
    Further, players have to return to the lanes they were in until the time of disconnect. When remaking the game all of the settings above will be enforced (same player, items, etc). Abuse of this system is considered unfair and will have consequences.


    Pausing the match is allowed in consideration with the 3 timeouts per player limit. However, abuse of this system is considered unsportsmanlike and will have consequences. You are not allowed to unpause an opposing teams pause until 1 minute has passed or until they agree/unpause. After 1
    minute the opposing team may unpause without notification, though it would be good natured to give notification. Each team is allowed a maximum of 3 minutes of pause. After 3 minutes of total pause time the restrictions on unpausing are lifted completely and are left to the discretion of the
    individual players.

    ---=Unsportsmanship Rule=---

    Anyone found abusing his hero suiciding him,selling items cause of rage will be punished with unvouch.
    Dota-Pride does not accept childish behaviors.

    ---=Item Sharing in Dota-Pride=---

    The sharing of basic regeneration items, wards, consumables, and gems is allowed. Items shared must be returned or used within 5 minutes. Please remember that whenever you purchase an item you are the sole owner of the item -- you can share it for a couple minutes if it is on the list below,
    but it must be returned or used shortly. The following items are the only allowable items:
    Sentry wards Allowed to be given to another player permanently
    Observer wards Allowed to be given to another player permanently
    Clarity Potion
    Flasks of Sapphire Water
    Chickens (for usage)
    Ring of Regeneration
    Ring of Health
    Sobi Mask
    Void Stone
    TP Scroll Allowed to be given to another player permanently
    Ancient Tango of Essifation Allowed to be given to another player permanently
    Gem of Truesight Allowed to be given to another player permanently

    Extra Comment : Dying by a purpose carrying a Divine Rapier,so the team player will take it upon death comes to a violation of the game.

    ---=Sharing Control=---

    Players may share control to allow teammates to use their chicken and/or hero to purchase items. Items purchased in this way must be immediately transferred to the proper player or dropped.

    If a player commits a rule violation that leads to the circumstances, under which the game cannot be continued, this player should be punished with .truant on agreement of all other players in game.

    Expirience Dp 1 Gaming.

    All Players in All Leagues Games/Rooms/Channels Speak English if not = 1 week banned .

    The Admin Team
    Last edited by PeLaTis; 18-03-2010 at 02:53 PM.

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