Hello and welcome to the RGC Support Forums =)
Unfortunately several RGC Users experience problems with the patching process of RGC from time to time. I'll try to describe as easy as possible how you can patch your RGC with an almost 100% success rate (If the patch is not bugged of course)
1. Delete ALL of your RGC folders.
2. Disable your Firewall (Windows Firewall aswell aswell if you enabled it) AND your Antivirus.
3. Redownload RGC from here: http://cdn.rankedgaming.com/client/RGC-Online-rev9.zip
4. Etract the archive (with WinRar, WInzip, 7zip...) and save it somewhere.
5. Open your extracted RGC (the name of the extracted folder is "online") now -> You should see something like this:
6. Now open the "rgcp" folder and run the "rgcp.exe" (as an Administrator!: Rightclick it, choose the option "Run as an Administrator")
7. After you have pressed the "rgcp.exe" RGC will start downloading the remaining patches.
8. When the patch download process is finished, there are two possible ways RGC is going to act:
a. If there are no problems, a black "CMD" Window pops up, RGC patches itself autoamtically and is ready to be used. There's nothing else you have to do by yourself (Immediatelly go to Step 12.)
b. Unfortunately there is the possibility that RGC fails to patch itself automatically. Maybe a black "CMD" window pops up and a part of the updating process starts, but you'll eventually receive
a message similar to "Could not finish patching process". If this happens, go to point 9.
9. Simply just close the error message.
10. Open the folder "Patcher" in the "rgcp" folder.
11. Run "patcher.exe" as an Administator! A black "CMD" Windows should pop up and RGC should patch itself completely.
12. Go back to your main RGC folder ("online"). You should see a lot of new folders and files! Now just run "rgc.exe" (as an Administrator again!) and you will see a brand new, fully functional Ranked Gaming Client
RGC Start Window/Interface:
Happy gaming and good luck on RGC
1# Update, added a new point