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  1. #1
    Rank: Regular
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    Default About the prequel of Nibiru

    I was looking everywhere to fing this rare adventure Posel Bohů and theres nowhere to get it. I think the czech adventure fans would be happy too, if this game could be released as a freeware. Is there any chance for that?

  2. #2

    Default Re: About the prequel of Nibiru

    Is this really prequel? Wasn't NiBiRU remake of Posel Bohu (giving the latter face lifting lets say)?
    ...the room was so low, that pancakes should be eaten spread...

  3. #3
    Rank: Wanderer
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    Default Re: About the prequel of Nibiru

    Its actually not the prequel to Nibiru. Its one of the first adventure games released in Czech Republic and Nibiru is lets say remake of it. We were inspired by the fact that Czech players really loved the story, so we used it as a basisi for Nibiru. Thats one reason why we dont think it is not interesting to make it available as a freeware, plus there are compatibility issues, POSEL BOHU was made for DOS operating system ... .

  4. #4
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    Default Re: About the prequel of Nibiru

    I think the older adventure fans could enyoj this DOS gem too. Nowadays we are having problems everywhere with incompatibility, but there are good programs like DosBox to run these games smoothly. So I think incompatibility is a bad excuse.
    would it cause so many problems to upload it on the futuregames site, and let the gamers choose to download it or not? Sorry, about my enthusiasm but I was looking for this game EVERYWHERE on the net, in the shops ... in warez sites too . Everyone knows it, but no one knows where to get it. It's sad that a game released in 1998 should dissapear so easily.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: About the prequel of Nibiru

    I agree with you in terms of incompatibility, its definitively something what can be solved relatively easily, but I didnt tell that its the major reason. The major reason is the fact that the Nibiru is based on it, the story is not the same, but there are some parts which are really close. And basically it wasn�t our intention to mix it. But maybe we can think about it now ... .

  6. #6
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    Default Re: About the prequel of Nibiru

    Quote Originally Posted by zeroman
    But maybe we can think about it now ... .
    YEEEESSSSS ;D Thank you These words gave me hope ;D ;D ;D

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