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  1. #1
    Rank: Wanderer
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    Default League Rules [Staff Discuss]


    i. Your use of our (as in the respective owner) Battle.Net� channel �Clan MGN� is subject to the below �Additional Terms� agreement between you and Clan MGN. This document sets out all of the terms.

    ii. MGN denounces Racism, Badmanners and Abuse of any kind.

    iii. MGN promotes Sportsmanship, therefore, behavior outside the limits of sportsmanship will be punished.

    1.0 Ingame Rules

    1.1 Item Restriction

    There is no restriction on how many items of the same type a team can carry.

    1.2 Creep skipping & Creep blocking

    There is no restriction on �creep skipping� & �creep blocking�.

    1.3 Game ruining

    The game administrator is allowed to ban using his judgement only in the following cases where the actions of a player ruin the game for the rest of the players on purpose:
    a. Blutantly puproseful game ruining (eg. feeding on purpose, destroying or selling items for no reason etc).
    b. Repeated killstealing in battles where the player did not participate (didn't hit at all and just went in for the last hit/spell).
    c. Absense from battles where any of the buildings of the base is being defended (unless the majority of the team agrees that the player should be pushing or farming at that time).

    There are NO other cases where banning for gameruining is permitted. Any other cases where it may be considered that a player is runining the game should be reported at the forum (user abuse report).

    1.4 Backdoor

    �Backdoor� in clan MGN means the multiple hitting of a building (tower or barracks) without the presence of allied creeps.

    For the base structures, creep presence is satisfied if there are generally creeps inside the base, regardless from which lane they entered (i.e. a Hero can hit a tower on a different lane even if the creeps have entered from another lane). However, the hero must enter the base from the same lane that the supporting creeps did.

    If you started an attack with the support of your creeps and they died, you can continue that attack. Illusions and Summons are not considered supporting creeps.

    You can hit a tower (not barracks) without the previous creeps support only if it is deniable.

    1.5 Item Stealing & Item Destroying

    Item stealing and item destroying from ally heroes are forbidden under any circumstances.

    1.6 Pause command

    The inappropriate use of the pause command is unacceptable. You must warn the other team before pausing and unpausing the game.

    Additionally, each player is entitled to a maximum of 2 minutes pause in each game.

    Moreover, it is forbidden for any other player to resume the game apart from the one who paused it (or the admin in case the 2 minutes expire). In such cases of resume abuse a warning will be issued and the next time a kick and ban will be enforced.

    1.7 Leaving the game

    Voluntary leave before the actual end of a game or before all 3 of the lanes have been completely destroyed (aka. Mega Creeps) will be punished, subject to all the following rules in this section.

    Any suspicious disconnect (�plugging�) might be punished by an Admin on his own judgment, regarding the facts prior of the disconnection (eg. disconnection right after a death that makes it obvious the player disconnected on purpose).

    Leaving a game will be punished only on the following game combinations: 5v5 - 5v4 - 4v4 - 4v3 � 3v3.

    In cases of 5v3 or 4v2 leaving for a player of the team with the numerical disadvantage is not punishable. Leaving for a player of the team with the numerical advantage must be accompanied by the concurrence of the majority of the team; otherwise it will be punished. If the majority of the team concurs, leaving is allowed (for balance).

    1.8 Leaver�s Hero

    a. The leaver's hero can be used only if the team is in a numerical disadvantage. This hero can be used either for defending or attacking, regardless of whether he has items or if they were sold.

    If the teams have an equal number of players then it is compulsory that the hero be kept at his Circle of Power with the "Freeze Hero" option.

    b. The leaver hero's items can either be sold, left on the leaver's hero or taken by another teammate.

    c. The decision about the use or not of the leaver hero's items is based on the majority of teammates and in case of a draw the items should be sold.

    d. For an item on the leaver�s hero to be taken by a player full team consent is required. If there is no unanimous vote, the items must be sold.

    1.9 Switching Players

    All the games will be played without switching. In the case where an admin chooses to use this parameter, it will be his own responsibility and only the rest of the rules (regarding leaving etc.) will be enforced as they are.

    1.10 Use of the !end command

    The use of the !end command in the games hosted on Clan MGN host bots is strictly permitted and enforced only on the following circumstances:

    a. If there is a leaver in the first 12 minutes of the game (if the the game time has reached 12:01 and a player leaves the command cannot be used) and at least one player from the team with the least players requests the game to be ended within 2 minutes from the moment of the leave/drop. The team with the most players cannot request an !end except by (b).

    b. In any case when the majority of all players from both teams expressly request the game�s termination for a serious reason. In case of a draw the game should not be ended.

    We note that the game admin is obliged to end the game in the above two cases, while it is forbidden to use the command in any other case.

    1.11 Use of the !mute command

    The use of the !mute command is allowed at the discretion of the owner of the game in cases of spam, insulting and annoying chatting towards the rest of the players. Improvident use of this command is strictly punishable.

    1.12 Use of the !kick command

    The use of the !kick command is allowed only in cases of gameruining (see rule 1.3) and repeated backdooring (see rule 1.4) and should be applied only by the owner of the game. The use of that command should be followed by the ban of that player. The rule also applies to those being afk more than 5 minutes in total.

    The use of the !votekick command is allowed by any player only in the above cases for the !kick command as well as in cases of extreme noobplay if agreed upon by all the players in the game. Any other usage of this command as well as participating in a votekick (using !yes) is bannable. The game admin should abort any such use of the votekick command using !votecancel.

    1.13 Forfeiting the game

    Any team that believes they have lost the game has the right to forfeit it. Forfeiting is accepted when at least 4 members (4 or 5 out of 5, 3 or 4 out of 4, 2 or 3 out of 3, 2 out of 2) of the team declare it clearly in All Chat (eg. by saying "forfeit" or "ff") and only after at least 1 of the 6 barracks of the team's base have been destroyed. If a team forfeits the game legally the following rules apply:

    a) The players of the team that forfeited are obliged to return to and are not allowed to exit the square of their fountain and neither attack nor cast spells outside of it. Any kind of spell or attack towards the forfeited players while they still remain in the fountain, is strictly forbidden. If a player from the forfeited ones attacks an enemy who is with low hp (e.g. from tower hits) aiming to kill him, he is punished with immediate ban.

    b)When 4 players of a team forfeit but the 5th still wants to defend his base, the enemy team is allowed to attack him, but not to use this as an excuse so as to attack the rest of the team which has already forfeited and remains inside tha fountain.

    c) The player that won the game may not attack neutral creeps or Roshan or stay outside the enemy fountain aiming to attack the enemy team which remains inside it. They are generally obliged to push so that the game ends as soon as possible.

    Rules a), b) and c) comprise the meaning of the term prolong ανd any violation of them leads to immediate ban.

    We note that the above rules only apply when a team forfeits the game as explained above. If there is no valid forfeit from the absolute majority of the team then normal afk and gameruining rules apply and there are can be no prolong violation.

    Uncertain or ambiguous situations must be reported and judged by the staff.

    1.14 Spoofcheck

    From now on all admins are required to spoofcheck to the hostbots before the game start (at the lobby) IF the auto-spoofcheck does not work! Use the following command:
    /w UDL-HB-?? sc
    (replace the questionmarks with the number of the hostbot)
    Bypassing this process by the admin using the !start force command is punishable with a demote.

    1.15 Software abuse

    The use of any kind of software (eg. maphack) that can offer an unfair advantage to the user is forbidden and strictly punishable.
    Moreover, the abuse of any bug in the involved software (including Warcraft, the Dota Map and GHost++) is also strictly punishable.

    Such cases must be immediately reported to the forum (user abuse report). Especially in the cases of maphack usage the admin is obliged to report and not ban on his own.

    1.16 Extreme Cases

    These general rules will apply to all games hosted in Clan MGN but we do recognize that there are extreme and special situations where we will approach each incident by a case by case basis, always following, however, the Clan MGN general principles.

    2.0 Channel & Ingame Chat Rules

    You agree that you will not:

    a. Post any comment that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;

    b. Harm minors in any way;

    c. Impersonate any person or entity, including, but not limited to, a MGN Staff; also mislead the players that you have Game Administrator right when you don't.

    d. Manipulate identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any content transmitted through the channel;

    e. Make available any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment;

    f. Disrupt the normal flow of dialogue or otherwise act in a manner that negatively affects other users' ability to engage in real time exchanges;

    g. Interfere with or disrupt the MGN/MyMGN servers or networks connected to the Battle.Net�, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of networks connected to MGN;

    h. "Stalk" or otherwise harass another;

    i. Collect or store personal data about other users in connection with the prohibited conduct and activities set forth in paragraphs a through h above.

    j. Threaten for a ban or demote or any other kind of punishment for no reason, aiming to achieve personal goals through intimidation.
    Last edited by SowlEye; 16-03-2011 at 09:03 AM.

  2. #2
    Rank: Board General
    • Join Date: Oct 2009
    • Posts: 2,365


    Well, if I'm correct, these rules are the same as NoL rules. I've worked on these rules for several months as a NoL Staff Captain Manager and I think they are ok, at least for now. By time, we can work on any other updates, changes etc. if something doesn't satisfy us.
    IRC (quakenet): #48.dota, #pros.dota

  3. #3


    Indeed, these are the NoL rules.

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