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  1. #1
    Rank: Enthusiast
    • Join Date: Dec 2009
    • Posts: 196

    Default How to Appeal, read before posting!

    Writing a good quality ban appeal is essential if you want to increase your chances of getting unbanned.

    Rule of thumb is to stay mannered

    so plead your case with that in mind.

    The staff of IHL denounces bad manners and any name-calling.
    any flaming or name-calling such as telling an admin he's an " abuser "
    will result in your thread getting locked and moved instantly, with no chance of re-appeal.

    When appealing, your word alone is often not enough so bring some hard proof like a replay or screenshot or have a seasoned player confirm your story.

    For clarity reasons use this template when appealing a ban: User nick:

    game name:

    Accused person/people:

    Reason you were banned:

    Reason you should be unbanned:

    Replay and/or screenshots:

    Last but not least the staff of IHL wants to see you put some time in your appeal. Good grammar, good points and a minimum of text is expected, appeals written and posted during loading screen will be closed without further notice.

    If you've followed the above written you've increased your chances of getting unbanned.

    Gl to those of you who are unhappy about a certain ban and have come here to appeal.
    Last edited by SouwlEye; 28-04-2010 at 12:29 PM.
    Congrats SouwlEye !

    ~Random someone.

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