Our name comes from Knights of the Sad Countenance, one of the nicknames of the most universal Spanish: Don Quixote. He was also known as the Knight of the Lions, or the Knight of the Mirrors. We want, like him, to defeat Windmills that we take for giants.

We are a Spanish independent game development group. We started to work together in this project at the beginning of the year (before, we was working in a bigger and more ambitious project, which got to be cancelled), with the idea of creating a Graphic Adventure. We�re now working to finish a Proof of Concept of the game, which we expect to have in the next few weeks.

Very recently --with a very short playable demo of the game, that we continue improving and enlarging-- we were privileged by being selected as one of the finalist of the Spanish Artfutura videogames contest (Concurso Playstation ArtFutura de Creaci�n de Videojuegos independientes, www.artfutura.com), which goal is to promote independent videogames.