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  1. #1

    Default Need help about friend added trash talk

    Hi, guys. There is a rude guy added me in his friend list, and trash talking to me all the time, how can I get him out of my way? It is really effect my mood when I get on RGC.

    Kind regards


  2. #2
    Rank: Elite Poster
    • Join Date: Aug 2012
    • Posts: 832


    it's simple enter chat then type /dnd (Do Not Disturb), but no1 can chat u.

  3. #3


    Any other suggestions?

  4. #4
    Rank: Elite Poster
    • Join Date: Aug 2012
    • Posts: 832


    How To Block Someone In Warcraft 3 Chat

    /ignore-squelch, /away (message), /dnd

    /ignore [user] — (Ex: /ignore BFitch)
    Ignores any messages from that user effectively muting that user to you. If behaviour of a person is really awful, you can use thiscommand.
    Aliases for this command: /squelch

    /unignore [user] — (Ex: /unignore BFitch)
    Allows a previously squelched user to talk to you normally.
    Aliases for this command: /unsquelch

    /away [text] — (Ex: /away eating dinner)
    Displays a message that you are away from keyboard whenever someone whispers to you or does a /whois command on you. To disable this command, use it again.

    /dnd [text] — (Ex: /dnd sorry playing a game with GFraizer)
    �Do Not Disturb� — prevents ALL whispers from displaying to your screen. Its use is similar to the /away command. To turn the DND mode off, just type /dnd without a reason. This will prevent people from sending whispers to you while you in game. You are still able to see all normal public channel messages.

    see for yourself

    that's the only help i can give u...

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