How about that - 3 games (not consecutive) scored reduce the RMK counter with 1 game, and not just reset it.
So let's say u have 2 RMK counter, and you have scored 2 games after. Then you RMK, your RMK counter gets increased to 3, but your scored games counter remains 2, and you lose 150 exp.
Then you win 1 more game, and you get 3 games scored - so you get 1 rmk reduced and go back to 2, and the scored games counter gets 0 again.
If your RMK counter is 0, then your scored games counter also stays at 0 until you cause a RMK..
example pseudo code of the algorithm
if RMK
penalty= -50 x RMK_counter
If Scored game
if RMK_counter >0 then score_counter ++ ;
if score_counter =3 then
score_counter= 0