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  1. #1
    Rank: Wanderer
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    Default I want other admin opinion on the post i did here,not Lordies.U Lordie just read this

    @Lordie : but how can u know that you did a mistake?!?! u didnt play that game,u didnt watch the replay, u didnt do anything!!! im realy pised right now cuz i made vouch req thinking that this is a normal league...even do i heard some bad words about this league,i was thinking they are wrong...but like i see now,that words arent just lies.

    btw lordie dude,wtf is with u? go take a walk,this isnt a normal guy talking from u
    <+godMirage> guyz
    <+godMirage> what happened to eedl.dota channel?
    <@[P]Lordie> why ua sking that here
    <@[P]Lordie> want ban?
    <+GoogleMe> )
    <+GoogleMe> stop asking about other leagues here
    <+godMirage> lol
    <+godMirage> where s manner?
    <@[P]Lordie> wheres brain
    <@[P]Lordie> .unvouch godmirage
    * @P2-BOT User god^Mirage has been unvouched!

  2. #2
    Rank: Rookie
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    We have clear rules about advertising other channels.
    its STRICTLY forbidden and you will get a direct unvouch when you do it, and you got it.

    Furthmore Lordie is one of our best admins and i can ensure theres nothing wrong with him.



    edit: [02:14] <+godMirage> happy games in ur noob leage
    03[02:14] * +godMirage ([email protected]) has left #dota.pride.2

  3. #3
    Rank: Board General
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    Quote Originally Posted by Time.out View Post
    @Lordie : but how can u know that you did a mistake?!?! u didnt play that game,u didnt watch the replay, u didnt do anything!!! im realy pised right now cuz i made vouch req thinking that this is a normal league...even do i heard some bad words about this league,i was thinking they are wrong...but like i see now,that words arent just lies.
    i saw 13 mins of that save game replay, and everyone in game, allies, opponents said u were worse than pub player. nothing else to say and hence unvouched.
    MSN? :c

  4. #4
    Rank: Wanderer
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    lol u didnt watch it,cuz u unvouched me less than 5 mins after the game,and every normal person who could saw that replay would tell that im right...and no they didnt say that,only allies said it.W/e,this is realy stupid..."Pub" player can own them all like np,just to say it
    ok,i see this doesnt make any sense...u are too arogant,and i dont like talking to that kind of ppl
    so i will make it this way...can i play some revouch game?1v1,5v5,cw, w/e? like i said,i dont begg u to give me back my vouch,just wanna prove u im not that low skilled player

  5. #5
    Rank: Board General
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    i watched it and already another admin answered rly nothing more to see
    MSN? :c

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