There are currently two new projects weve started to work on. ALTER EGO was announced at GC Leipzig this year and we also have another one - ASH FALL. Simultaneosly we are finishing on fantasy adventure game TALE OF HERO.
There are currently two new projects weve started to work on. ALTER EGO was announced at GC Leipzig this year and we also have another one - ASH FALL. Simultaneosly we are finishing on fantasy adventure game TALE OF HERO.
Hello zeroman.
Can you tell a bit about Alter Ego and Ash Fall ? Haven't heard about either of them, and there's no info about them on your site. BTW, The poster is nice! As far as I can understand your role in Ash Fall is a publisher?
In case of Ash Fall our role is co-producer. The game concept was introduced to us during summer this year and weve found it really interesting and innovative. Alter Ego is "good old" classical adventure game which is produced by original Black Mirror team. So you can expect dark atmosphere, number of classical puzzles & riddles, nice backgrounds and outstanding visual quality of characters.
What style of game can be Ash Fall described as: a horror, fantastics, detective? How many people work on this game? How long this game do you expect to be? Any estimations on when it can be released (the end of 2008 or 2009, I suppose?)
As for Alter Ego, is the game situated in our modern time? Or maybe in not so near future, or in the past?
Im sorry for delays in my response, but Ive troubles with speed of our connection :-(
Ash Fall is not horror game, but it is set into really scary environment. There is a whole team of people working on it and release date is currently planned in Q1/2009. Unfortunatelly Im not able to say what will be the lenght of the gameplay. Its too early for it :-).
Alter Ego is set into the past, but not that much - end of 19th Century, beginning of 20th.
Yep, I've also noticed that connection speed is slow. I've posted about it in the general forum.
At least can you confirm that both games will have at least 8 hours of gameplay? Not a one-evening games?
Is Ash Fall in an anti-utopiс setting?
Can you tell on who will be the main hero of Alter Ego? A man, a woman, what kind of profession he/she is? Will it be setted in a real historical place or some abstract city/castle? ;-)
Is Sinful Night (which you also mentioned at the Games Convention) still part of your plans?
What kind of game is Alter Ego gonna be and what about its release date? - Site webmaster and forum administrator
Sinful Night was working title and weve chynged it into ASH FALL which better fits to the screenplay.
Regarding the lenght of both games. For sure we will be looking for more than 8 hours, so this level will be exceeded. How much I cant say because it depends (among others) on how skilled the player is. But basically I can say that target is not less than 15 hours.
ALTER EGO. The main hero is he, he has no real profession, he is a pilferer. The game is set into real, existing city and to answer the last question its classical point and click adventure game produced by the original Black Mirror team. Attached you can see teaser poster ... .
Great Alter Ego poster - looks very intriguing.
The Black Mirror is one of my favourite games also, so I guess I "have no other option."<br /><br />
Many Thanks for it. Im sure we will not dissapoint you cause as I know the script and the team capabilities it will be at least same quality as Black Mirror ... .