* Name ( abv. and full name ) : x!mot / Dino Team
* Where is the team from : The team is international : Serbia,Croatia, and Egypt.
* Is your clan registered somewhere else or irc channel for your clan : #x!mot.Dota
* Write a brief text about your Teams DotA history : 3st - EDC Amateur Tournament,skill players, For some time we played, but no we wanna to return again...
* Post at least 2 replays of your clan match, preferably more :
1. http://replay.garena.com/view.php?id=4cbc5aee15e84
2. http://replay.garena.com/view.php?id=4cbd90c231490
3. http://replay.garena.com/view.php?id=4b81941f34951
4. http://replay.garena.com/view.php?id=4bf05688897bf
* Pick-League Division (Dota-League) : DotaInvite Room,X3M Dota League,DotA-Gaming Public League Room.
* Gosugamer Clan Rank : Now its (195)
* Are they aware of the rules and do they agree to them? : yea
* Is there anything else you want to add? : no thets all...
* Q-auth , garena ID for all 5 members. Notice us who is the leader :
Q-auth / Garena Nickname / Garena ID
DareFTW / x!mot^ajkula/ 24336828 (captain)
yuki / x.mot.Yuk1 / 53864828
Bebo / x.Mot.BeZoO / 54078332
Jajkan / x.mot.Jajkan / 53871286
LuminouS / x.mot.LuMinouS / 53888502
Aquarius / x.mot.Aquarius / 53889289
smseveryone / x.mot.ELEC7RO / 53894524