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  1. #1
    Rank: Rookie
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    Default A brief, sulky presentation...

    Ciao and thanks for the interest to begin with...

    From being a part time designer - part time human being, I recently started a full time lecturer job.
    I am currently teaching Ludology and Game Design for an university of applied sciencies in the Netherlands (NHTV).

    Some of you might know me as a game designer (Tony Tough, Tony Tough 2, Dangerous Heaven and a few others).

    I graduated in architecture three years ago and I've been working as a game designer for... Hum... Let me just tell you that at that times fish were growing tiny legs etcetera...

    Well, due to my very hectic academic life I couldn't prepare any special presentation for you... Please be content with my webpage for now ( or with the official webpage for my new game (

    Before you ask... On Tony 2 I've basically every role I could: team leader (in the last phase), designer, writer, architect, art director for the backgrounds, lyrics writer, you name it...

    I am afraid I cannot give out any unreleased material about it unless previously authorised by Anaconda, who currently owns the material we've produced for the game.

    I'll be happy to reply your questions, even happier to try to solve your personal problems... It turns out I am not so skilled but hey, one might as well enjoy trying!

  2. #2

    Default Re: A brief, sulky presentation...

    I wish the Netherlands had a serious games development course when I was still a student. There was one in Amsterdam or Utrecht, I believe, but it was still in its infancy, and there wasn't much of a future as a games designer here yet. Don't know if that has changed, though. The industry still seems very small here, so it's probably going to be tough getting a job as a developer. Oh, that might as well be a question! How hard is it to get a job as a games developer in the Netherlands today? Is it possible to make a living out of it?

    Good luck with your projects!

    &gt; Learn more about my forthcoming point &amp; click adventure: Bad Timing!<br />&gt; Or... Visit Adventure Developers: Your source for everything related to independent/hobbyist adventure game development!

  3. #3

    Default Re: A brief, sulky presentation...

    Hi Stefano and congrats about releasing Tony Tough 2! I'm very much looking forward to play it...

    I was wondering, since I didn't find much information about it: what engine did you use for the game? Is it self-made or was it outsourced? TT2 graphics are very eye-catching and look impressive!
    Agust�n Cordes<br />Nucleosys Digital Studio<br />

  4. #4
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Nov 2006
    • Posts: 17

    Default Re: A brief, sulky presentation...

    Dear Erwin...
    many software houses are opening in the Netherlands but I don't believe those should ultimately be the objective of our guys.
    The work market in that regard is quite global, you see... I might be a good example for that.

    I've worked for French, German and Italian companies and I am now working in the Netherlands.

    There's certainly a need for skilled professionals in Europe as we never had (at least in continental europe) a professionalising course to mould designers, coders or artists.

    Luckily this academic program started and kids will take a whole 4 years course before graduation, and believe me it's hard job.
    We'll see how it goes and we'll let fact speak for themselves.

    Let me take this occasion to invite the interested perspective students to our next openday on the
    10th of March in Breda (reduitlaan, 33) to see our presentations, our labs, our premises.

    I really wish we could attract more people besides dutch, german and some spaniards.

    Any other questions on the Game Architecture program?

  5. #5
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Nov 2006
    • Posts: 17

    Default Re: A brief, sulky presentation...

    Agustin, you're a sweetheart...

    The engine was a renewed version of the engine we've made for a licensed promotional game for the Italian market named "Prezzemolo" (the DVDGame version is out now).

    Thanks a lot for the compliments... I still didn't have a chance to play your game but I tried to read as much as possible and I am very happy you too could find publishers and make a name for yourselves.

    We will meet in frisco, then, aye?

  6. #6

    Default Re: A brief, sulky presentation...

    Thanks for the tidbit!

    And I really don't know about the trip... only if they can manage to get me on a plane ;D
    Agust�n Cordes<br />Nucleosys Digital Studio<br />

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