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  1. #1
    Rank: Nordic Troll
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    Default DotaRank is looking for new staff members.

    Hello there.

    Due to some recent events, our lovely staff has become, in a word, underpopulated. Some quit, some are still around, but probably not as active as they'd like to be. So, it has come to a point where we refill(like a magic bottle).

    What are we looking for?

    1 Dr.Inhouse staffie(Voucher)
    Probably, 1 Dr.Community staffie as well(Might be the same guy as in IH)

    What qualities you need to have?

    #Inhouse vouch, obviously, if you are to deal with it's problems.(If you don't have it, go here)
    #Decent enough english to be able to communicate
    #Not-totally-screwed-up banhistory, we probably won't take a guy with 3 bans for flaming. However, it doesn't mean that 1 ban will totally screw up your chances.
    #Activity(This doesn't mean u need to abandon life)&Dedication

    How to apply?

    Rather simple. Write right here, why do you think we should pick you for this staff position. Remeber, this is your primary chance to impress us, so do not waste it. The decision will be made by the staff team in near future. Ohh, and if you'r making an essay here, which I don't think you will, make sure it's properly formatted.

    See you in Dr.Staff soon!
    You cast Thundergod's Wrath.
    Your Thundergod's Wrath hits random Hero for 147 damage. (157 absorbed) (283 resisted) (347 eaten by wolves) (108 abused by Michael Jackson)

  2. #2
    Rank: Rookie
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    Im applying

  3. #3
    Rank: Enthusiast
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    fu ninja edit

  4. #4
    Rank: Rookie
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    Default Application- Prcko

    About me

    I am 19 years old guy living in Zagreb, Croatia.I am studying Mechanical Engineering and in my spare time I enjoy playing football, DotA, and other fun activities. I have a C1 degree in English (upper advanced knowledge), and considered myself very mannered and easygoing, but decisive in the situations that require so.

    Why should you choose me?

    I have been playing in Dotarank for ~2 years, experiencing a lot of changes made in Dotarank, including moving to and ofcourse to our beloved RGC and therefore really consider myself as an integrated part of this community.In all these years I have succeed to mantain a flawless !banhistory, with an exception of Cookie's 'for the lulz' ban, which ruined my perfect history .
    I have always seen Dotarank as a gaming community, what should mean that manners should be on a quite high level. Ofcourse with the increase of people playing there will be a decrease in the level of manners, but there is a level manners need to be above in order for Dotarank to remain being such an enjoyable place to play.
    About my activity, considering I am in college I won't play 24/7 ofcourse, but I will find time to fulfill my staff duties, even if I had to cut off some of my ingame time.

    P.S. I would also make this an application for moderator/voucher.

    Thanks for reading,
    Last edited by Ronsaki; 12-07-2011 at 09:05 PM.

  5. #5
    Rank: Elite Poster
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    I want to be the very best
    Like no one ever was
    To catch them is my real test
    To train them is my cause
    I will travel across the land
    Searchin' far and wide
    Each Pokemon to understand
    The power that's inside!

    It's you and me.
    I know it's my destiny!
    Ooh you're my best friend
    In a world we must defend!
    A heart so true
    Our courage will pull us through
    You teach me and I'll teach you
    Gotta catch 'em Gotta catch 'em all!

  6. #6
    Rank: Rookie
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    Default OsMb0b Applycation

    Hey Girls and Guys im Till OsMb0b (isnsert last name here) and i am 19 years old. I come from Germany and i am living in Berlin. I started playing in DR.Commnuity 2 month ago and got vouched 1 month ago in DR.Inhouse. That was also the first time i played on RGC exspect of 1 or 2 public games. I know that is not realy much but during that 2 month i was realy active. When i came into DR.Commnuity i was realy impressed about it because i never played on such a platform before. My team just disbannded some weeks ago and i was searching for some platform where i can play games with -cm mode and players with decent skill level. My friend Zuliane told me about DR.Community and then i got me vouched there.

    Now after 2 month and much inhouse and community games i can say that i never enjoyed playing DotA more then here. Thats why i want to give something back to the Community and help DR to grow in a good way with nice mannerd players. If i get picked up i will do my best thats for sure. I think I know my chances aren t realy high because of the things i mentioned above but i want to try atleast.

    Thanks for reading.

    Best regards, OsMb0b =)

  7. #7
    Rank: Wanderer
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    Hello i'm shooker from italy. Im a long time member, and i would like to help this community because i feel its a wonderful place to play dota,feel free to ask me any questions if needed.

    Kind regards


  8. #8
    Rank: Rookie
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    Default opinion (:

    When i saw this tread and when i read Prcko's request i didn't want to try to apply for voucher here becouse he is all that u need for 1 staff member.he is well mannered even if he lack a bit skill (jk) but seriously if this mean anything at all i would support him. Prcko for voucher! in both rooms!



  9. #9
    Rank: Enthusiast
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    Even if my support doesnt count, I'd like to state:

    !support prcko for DR.Community Moderator
    !support osmb0b for DR.Inhouse staffie

  10. #10
    Rank: Rookie
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    Default Application - Crique

    About me


    I am 21 years old and live unemployed in Paris. My activities include dota, dota, staying at home and exploring my body. I speak very well anglais et le fran�ais.

    Why should you choose me?

    I am a very shy and impressionable person and therefore believe that having admin powers would give me the possibilit� to assert my manliness and take my frustration out on flamers and the likes. It is noteworthy that my superior azerty keyboard would help RGC attain aesthetic perfection by putting French symbols such as � and � into people�s banhistories.

    Moreover, as much as I love the DR community, I have noticed a despicable trend of racism towards my fellow frenchmen. Not only I find this hard to deal with on a personal level but I think it is greatly limiting the expansion of DR in the great nation of France, home of the best retarded kids professional players. Therefore I would make my first priorit� to ban everyone that has commited French hate (I was taking notes since day one, no one is safe).

    As you may know, European labor laws dictate that every business enterprise must employ a quota of mentally handicapped people (tards), and it so happens that I firmly believe to be the secret son of John Rambo.

    I am a very proactive person, and fighting racism is not the only project I have in mind, I have already taken steps to create a DotaRank room on Garena.

    For all these reasons, I humbly believe I would be the best admin of ever.

    Last edited by Crique; 13-07-2011 at 12:36 PM. Reason: It is surprisingly hard to cross text

  11. #11
    Rank: Devotee
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    I lol'd at this. wp frenchie

  12. #12
    Rank: Rookie
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    !support Crystal Maiden
    !support Prcko

  13. #13
    Rank: Banned User
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    go go crique for head admin
    now srsly
    my vote goes for cruqie for ih staff

  14. #14
    Rank: Rookie
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    Default Application - ToNca-_^

    Hello there,
    I'm Milan.I am from Prokuplje small town in south Serbia .I have 18 years I am currently in high school Gimnazija, I plan to study elekronic, well i love mathematics ,physics ,Informatics and i think that our future is there.In free time hang out with friends and regularly attends dota.
    Well, real question is ''Why me ?''.The answer is up to you, you are making decisions.But my capability is clear.I've been playing in Dotarank for 2 years and i know people from staff as good as peaople from outside.I was in old league EDL as staff, on anubia aslo and for some time i am working on Serbian website'' trasnlated a lot of texts from english to serbian so my english is pretty good.
    I would like to work on inhouse project, coz i am not playing in community that much and i dont know ppl there like in inhouse.Plus i'd like to work on project which is facing with skill as well as the behavior.
    During this time I spent with dota rank, I merged with him and grew his highness.I feel like a part of this kindly organization that can contribute much more than has so far.That's thing for which i'd like to work and hope.About my banhistory, hmm i had some bans but that was before.Like 1 year ago i had problems with behavior and handling, but it's gone.People are not animals. these are people which just enjoy in good atmosphere and competition.Better not to make them run, but provide for them better comfort.
    I know that being part of the organization(staff) does not mean to have power, but have a great responsibility which you have to deal with and that you must handle.That experience I gained during the recently completed tournament that we, the Serbian staff conducted.I believe that my experience is an advantage over the other and it will contribute to the decision

    Thanks on your time,
    Last edited by ToNca-_^; 15-07-2011 at 12:20 PM.

  15. #15
    Rank: Forum Emperor
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    Quote Originally Posted by ToNca-_^ View Post
    Hello there,
    I'm Milan.I am from Prokuplje small town in south Serbia .I have 18 years I am currently in high school Gimnazija, I plan to study elekronic, well i love mathematics ,physics ,Informatics and i think that our future is there.In free time hang out with friends and regularly attends dota.
    Well, real question is ''Why me ?''.The answer is up to you, you are making decisions.But my capability is clear.I've been playing in Dotarank for 2 years and i know people from staff as good as peaople from outside.I was in old league EDL as staff, on anubia aslo and for some time i am working on Serbian website'' trasnlated a lot of texts from english to serbian so my english is pretty good.
    I would like to work on inhouse project, coz i am not playing in community that much and i dont know ppl there like in inhouse.Plus i'd like to work on project which is facing with skill as well as the behavior.
    During this time I spent with dota rank, I merged with him and grew his highness.I feel like a part of this kindly organization that can contribute much more than has so far.That's thing for which i'd like to work and hope.About my banhistory, hmm i had some bans but that was before.Like 1 year ago i had problems with behavior and handling, but it's gone.People are not animals. these are people which just enjoy in good atmosphere and competition.Better not to make them run, but provide for them better comfort.
    I know that being part of the organization(staff) does not mean to have power, but have a great responsibility which you have to deal with and that you must handle.That experience I gained during the recently completed tournament that we, the Serbian staff conducted.I believe that my experience is an advantage over the other and it will contribute to the decision

    Thanks on your time,
    !Supporting Tonca As Trail moderator.
    Best Regards !

  16. #16


    Support Tonca-_^ Decent noob and great staff.

  17. #17
    Rank: Nordic Troll
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    Thank you for your applications. We will now begin long and painful consideratipn proces.
    You cast Thundergod's Wrath.
    Your Thundergod's Wrath hits random Hero for 147 damage. (157 absorbed) (283 resisted) (347 eaten by wolves) (108 abused by Michael Jackson)

  18. #18
    Rank: Elite Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ragnesis View Post
    Thank you for your applications. We will now begin long and painful consideratipn proces.
    As painful as trying to read out that word(s) ?

  19. #19
    Rank: Elite Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ragnesis View Post
    Thank you for your applications. We will now begin long and painful consideratipn proces.
    I thought i was convincing enough =/

  20. #20
    Rank: Forum Addict
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    Dear DotaRank members,

    We proudly announce that Hellspawn, who hasn't taken part in the formal application process, will be the new part of the DotaRank Staff. Thanks for everyone who applied for the job, I can assure you that we took all your applications seriously (except for yours, Sirian) and that it was a close race.

    the DotaRank Staff
    Under Construction

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