Are there plans to make the episodic games gradually harder and harder? If the game is too hard, I�d guess that it would be quite difficult for new players to join the club of happy owners of an episode of a game like Sam & Max (for an example) mid-season . On the other hand quite a few people have been bitching about the difficulty level of the game and I suppose people also bitched about Bone, just because they felt the game was too easy. I have to admit that S&M wasn�t much of a challenge (next I am going to try S&M to see if that offers a challenge) for me . I enjoyed the game of course, but I kinda expect that an adventure game offers me some tricky puzzles that hurt my brains. In that sense S&M failed to deliver. The puzzles were fun and all and logical of course, but I would have liked to see something that actually would have made me think.

So, the question is: Are you searching for a solution to please both the beginners and the veterans (puzzle-wise of course) or do you even give a flying fuck about people who would wish to have some sort of a challenge? I liked how Max and others delivered hints but I think the system should be improved. Now I felt like the solutions were totally spelled out for me and I it looked like I couldn�t even avoid that (of course I could close my eyes and ears...). I�d like to see the puzzles getting insanely hard and Max and other people would deliver avoidable and totally optional hints that would help the gamer to get the puzzle, and eventually maybe almost spell out the answers BUT ONLY WHEN ASKED. So, kinda like it already is but taking the puzzle level to extremeties as well as the revealingness (is that even a word?) of the hints. Hardcore gamers would be pleased with hard puzzles that they can solve on their own and casual idio...uh... players would also get "a lite" version of the game that isn�t that annoying.

Or you could implement a difficulty level selector. And not to make the players feel stupid the options could be named like this (in brackets are the type of people to whom it is aimed for): Insanely illogical (hardcore gamers, the diamonds in the rough), Pretty hard (idiots), childishly easy (the braindead). Hehe.

Thanks for a great game though. I bought the whole season right away. The text above is everything I can bitch about, everything else rocked. Maybe a little tweaking on the difficulty level and you�ll get a perfect game (or as perfect this game can be).
