DotA Stats for d0ta_ironman

Most played heroes of all time

Hero Games Win Rate KDA ratio
Goblin Techies 21 47.62% 2.85
Earthshaker 17 76.47% 4.37
Butcher 17 70.59% 2.7
Priestess of the Moon 15 66.67% 2.91
Murloc Nightcrawler 14 71.43% 3.54
Shadow Fiend 11 54.55% 1.95
Sacred Warrior 9 77.78% 2.74
Lord of Olympus 8 100% 3.98


Rating: Above Average Player
Above Average Farmer
Good Killer
Average in Escaping
Above Average in Assisting
Games: 446
K/D/A: 9.08 / 5.71 / 9.11
C/D/N: 95.08 / 2.97 / 11.17
ELO Score: ( solo / team)
First game: 2010-05-01 18:34:20
Last game: 2010-10-15 17:37:34
Ach. Points: 0

Latest Games

Hero Game Result Duration KDA Items Performance
Priestess of the Moon AP25661 Lost Game 00:41:32 11 / 9 / 2 Below Average
Tauren Chieftain AR17218 Won Game 00:36:41 12 / 4 / 17 Great
Goblin Techies AP25574 Lost Game 00:35:43 7 / 6 / 1 Average
Butcher AP25527 Won Game 00:47:29 15 / 7 / 12 Good
Dark Seer AR28780 Lost Game 00:47:35 3 / 10 / 10 Below Average
Morphling AR17070 Lost Game 00:56:01 6 / 8 / 9 Average
Tinker AR28712 Lost Game 00:48:56 13 / 11 / 6 Average
Witch Doctor AR16992 Won Game 01:01:36 20 / 10 / 13 Good