DotA Stats for igor_caval3ra

Most played heroes of all time

Hero Games Win Rate KDA ratio
Butcher 399 53.13% 2.49
Priestess of the Moon 192 54.69% 2.86
Skeleton King 108 63.89% 3.37
Dwarven Sniper 103 56.31% 2.71
Spiritbreaker 75 49.33% 2.49
Prophet 55 40% 1.82
Legion Commander 50 48% 1.9
Goblin Shredder 46 47.83% 2.07


Reason: [AUTOBAN] leaver
By: DA-HB-01
On: 2014-10-13


Rating: Average Player
Average Farmer
Average Killer
Average in Escaping
Above Average in Assisting
Games: 1826
K/D/A: 6.46 / 7.00 / 10.38
C/D/N: 69.03 / 1.44 / 12.06
R.Games: 1828
ELO Score: 1223 (1577 solo / 869 team)
First game: 2011-12-22 18:07:52
Last game: 2014-10-13 16:05:47
Ach. Points: 27

Latest Games

Hero Game Result Duration KDA Items Performance
Dwarven Sniper AP1643 Won Game 00:38:32 6 / 3 / 5 Above Average
Priestess of the Moon AP1633 Lost Game 01:01:28 4 / 12 / 20 Average
Butcher AP1553 Lost Game 00:48:47 6 / 13 / 6 Below Average
Bristleback AP1544 Lost Game 00:54:27 7 / 9 / 23 Above Average
Priestess of the Moon AP1490 Won Game 00:55:14 13 / 5 / 23 Good
Ancient Apparition AP1438 Lost Game 01:07:22 6 / 8 / 11 Below Average
Skywrath Mage AP1431 Won Game 00:35:15 12 / 2 / 14 Good
Shadow Priest AP1423 Lost Game 00:54:11 6 / 9 / 12 Average