Continue reading for two small posts about new sound effects for one about
Special Forces Gangplank and one from RiotDudeBro confirming that there are more themes coming down the pipeline as well as him talking vaguely about champions lacking in the skin department.
If you were feeling let down by the lack of new sound effects for the upcoming Special Forces Gangplank, don't worry!
Ricklessabandon confirmed it does indeed have new sounds but they just haven't been added in yet. He mentions, specifically, that there are new sounds for Q and R, saying:
"he has new sfx for his parrrley and cannon barrage...just not yet included."
RiotDudeBro took the forums to respond to a topic where a Summoner was looking for information on skins for their favorite champions and the if there was a possibility of more themes, such as
Pulsefire Ezreal, coming out. Here is an excerpt from that post, mentioning there are, in fact, more themes working their way down the pipeline.
"In short, we are working on a ton of stuff,have a lot of surprises and big stuff is in the works. We have plans for every champ and have skin ideas for pretty much all of them, including building off of existing skin lines as well as creating new ones. We also have legendaries AND themes in the works. Some we have multiple ideas for, some we have to wait for new tech, some we have to wait till we have time(because they are time intensive)."
Sort of continuing that same subject, he made another post responding to a thread about champions, such as Udyr or Skarner, who don't have a very wide selection of skins.
We are working on a ton of stuff. Wow worst answer ever! Let me explain it a bit. We are working on things you may know about, can predict, but there's A LOT of surprises. I can only speak on the development process. While these skins are in development they...well... change. Sometimes we start off in one direction and end up somewhere different. So we play our cards close to the chest because of that. There have been times when we develop a skin and upon it's completion say" ya know what, it's not that great" and maybe we bring it back into development for refinement. Or sometimes we look at a finished product and go "Whoah that skin is radical, let's kick it up a notch and do even more!"
That includes reworks, champions with only one launch skin, or champs with very few skins. We have plans for pretty much every champ in our game, some are in development right now. "
So what themes do you guys think we'll see more of? Vandals? Special Forces? Battlecast? Full Metal? or are you just gunning for new skins for "unloved" champions like Trundle or Taric?
Credits : MOOBEAT