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Thread: Vouch Request

  1. #1
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Apr 2013
    • Posts: 1

    Default Vouch Request

    -Your RGC nickname:zeusfury

    -Personal information (name, age, location, etc):My real name is Marc,i am 15 year old,i was born in lebanon but i am living in canada and i know dota from a really long time,

    -Your Dota & Dota2 history:i started when i was like about 9 years old,i started playing on garena dota 1,played lots of tournements there,clan games,and after i moved to dota 2,i got a clan in dota 2.

    -Do you know how to use MIRC and Teamspeak (version 3)?No,but if needed ill learn

    -Do you have a microphone?yeah and i always talk in game

    -Stats : ( just wanna say my sister and brother used to play on this acc and i just created a new account...)

    -Steam account link :

    -Screenshot of the heroes you played and your performance:

    -Do you know anyone in ED2L who could support your req.? If yes, name them.Sorry i dont know anyone here

    -Is there something else you wanna add?Yea, in dota 2 i played in ixdl league ( which is a really known league) and played against : liquid ixmike88,liquid FLUFF,liquid Bulna,Eg Jeyo and EG demon,and played with CaRdinal
    Last edited by branless; 10-04-2013 at 12:24 AM.

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