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  1. #1
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Oct 2013
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    RGC Username:Larrÿ

    Abuser RGC Username:Snoogle

    Explain why the user abused you:Iwas ban in Portal because i RMK the in 8minutes Game ruining By Morluw ban me For 3days Then My ban-date was Over
    Then Snoogle BAN me for 15 days For No reason i was ban again and again and again I only RMK a game one`s but my ban history is Like saying that i was Game ruining EVERYDAY
    Then He Ruining my Banhistory
    Here`s my Banhistory
    Last edited by Larr; 30-10-2013 at 12:13 PM. Reason: NOT COMPLETE SORRY

  2. #2
    Rank: Rookie
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  3. #3
    Rank: Rookie
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    It was never an abuse.

    First he stated,

    "Iwas ban in Portal because i RMK the in 8minutes Game ruining By Morluw "

    But he was banned as seen on pic 16:16 , while doing this he was obviously laughing.

    Please download replay for reference.

    As seen on his ban history, the duration of the days that he should be banned was not fulfilled. He was unbanned by a co-staff of ours on the same date that he was banned. ( Please check link.

    So more supposedly our former co-staff connect.pogi, was the one who unbanned him w/o any reason and failed to notify us as his co-staff. In short, we were bypassed.

    (Note: connect.pogi and Larrÿ were known to be friends.)
    (Kindly check Larrÿ's banhistory for a review.)

    Then again, I banned him for 15 days after reviewing, and I was using this global rule as a reference

    As I believed that it would be sanctioned there for game ruining.

    3) Game ruiners:
    Players intentionally feeding, misusing "Shared control" by using other heroes, destroying/trying to destroy their teammates' items or ruining in any other way will be termed as "Game ruiners" and will be banned for 15 days without any warning.

    Again and again, he was banned and unbanned for numerous of times by connect.pogi, then unbanned by another co-staff named BNTMB for stating that the ban was wrong or invalid w/o any review being done. (Please check Larrÿ's ban history)

    This is a message last night when this web site was down. (MSG to Thor)

    My message at BAN SUPPORT Channel stating and elaborating about Larrÿ's exaggerating "ABUSE REPORT"

    It was never an abuse. I'm just doing my job. If they do not tend to abide with the rules implied, same thing may possibly happen again.

  4. #4
    Rank: Board General
    • Join Date: Oct 2012
    • Posts: 1,650


    Not an abuse and stated .
    History cannot be cleared

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