Your name: Δημήτρης
Date of Birth: 31/3/1995
Your country: Γεννήθηκα Κύπρο,μεγάλωσα Ελλάδα
Occupation: -
Spoken languages: Ελληνικά(και καταλαβαίνω πολύ λίγα αγγλικά)
Battle.Net Account: SP1D3rMan-
Former experience and/or safelisted channels: -
Your activity and average playtime each week: Κάνω γύρο στα 5 Games την ημέρα
Which time of the day you usually play: Μεσημέρι - βράδυ
How long you have been playing DotA: Περίπου 7 χρόνια
Your ability to communicate with other: αν υπάρχει θέληση απο τον απέναντι τότε πολύ καλή
Have you read the rules and agree to follow them? Γεαπ
How do you react/behave when you're under pressure? Με ψυχραιμία και διάλογο
Do you have any problems in listening/following your superior's orders? (according to ranks): Οχι
Is there anyone who can vouch for you? -
Why do you want to be an Admin: Για την καλή διεξαγωγή τον Games
Why should we pick you and what can you offer to us: Το είπα πάνω :P
Are you premium member?: νοπ
Are you using or a friend of yours an admin card?: νοπ
A few things about yourself: Πιστεύω να σας κάλυψα όπως θα έπρεπε..καλό καλοκαίρι μάγκες!!