Pisteuw pws o sygkekrimenos Admin exei abusarei thn eksousia tou me lathos tropo. Edw einai auto pou lew. http://dota-alliance.com/board/showthread.php?t=258
An to sygkekrimeno atomo thewrei spam, thn shzhthsh pou kanoun 2 atoma tote tha synistousa na kleisete auto to forum kai na to kleisete edw kai twra.
Den einai dynaton egw na milaw me to palikari gia ena thema arketa endiaferon kai gia logous pou den kserw alla mporw na fantastw to sygkekrimeno atomo addarei warn kai kleidwnei to topic xwris na yparxoun sto topic:
1.) Off topic replies (apo kanenan)
2.) Spam Posts (apo kanenan) (typou: ok, kalo, wraio, spam, omg, lol, ktl ktl)
3.) Den yphrxan ybreis/eironies/xleuasmoi h otidipote allo thigei thn proswpikothta kanenos.
Thelw mia ypeuthinh apanthsh apo enan ALLON ypeuthyno tou forum an kati tetoio mporei na ginei apo admin kai an mporei na ginei na mou eksigisei giati egine sto sygkekrimeno thread enw den syntrixe kanenas apo tous 3 logous pou parathesa( dld na mou pei kapoion logo pou isws ksexnaw h agnow ).
Thelw episis na eksigithei giati efaga egw warn kai kaneis allos sto post, kathos den yphrxe oute auto pou se polla alla gnwsta forums apokaleite "doubleposting.
Protinw episis an dikaiwthw kai to peristatiko auto htan ontos ena paraptwma tou sygkekrimenou atomou na tou ginei mia parathrhsh wste na apofeugoun paromia peristatika sto mellon.
Den zhtaw demote giati einai Site Administrator kai profanos yparxei logos.
Kleinontas an auto einai kapoio proswpiko problhma tou sygkekrimenou admin me to proswpo mou kala tha kanei na mhn dra etsi.
Tha ektimousa apanthseis apo tous allous Administrators.
Euxaristw ek twn proterwn.
PS: This text is added after editing the original post.
Molis mou irthe mail apo ton Chaos.Zero gia to sygkekrimeno warn legontas pws htan Off topic/Spam post.
As mou eksigisei enas ti thewreite eseis edw spam post.
Kai Off topic den htan dioti to post m milage gia ta maps pou ebale to paidi.
Logiki aplh?