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  1. #1
    Rank: News Poster
    • Join Date: May 2009
    • Posts: 156

    Question [CLOSED] Admin Abuse : EVILFLAME

    Well, 1st of all i didnt play this game but i watched the replay.You should see many rules are broken and u wont be happy.

    1. minute 07:00 nevermore left, scourge wants end/rmk he denies it;
    2. minute 23:00 he muted tsingouinos because he said he needs to stop stealing and play like a part of the team;
    3. minute 26:00 unmuted tsingouinos and kicked him;
    4. minute 33:00 kngjtr left the game without getting banned (HELLO?!);
    5. minute 33:00 kicks huggy_ftw and bans him.

    Please solve this player and unban the innoncets

  2. #2
    Rank: Kotsompolis A.E.
    • Join Date: May 2009
    • Posts: 1,395


    Man the replay is at the other post...Go and put your opinion-post to the other thread!

    Quote Originally Posted by IRC
    [21:08] <+V1ruS> o luck
    [21:08] <+V1ruS> me rotage
    [21:09] <+V1ruS> apo pou katevazoume torrent

    [21:09] <+V1ruS> ?
    [21:09] <+Luck]sto[NoLag> ....
    [21:09] <+Luck]sto[NoLag> sorry, pou den ixera
    [21:09] <+Luck]sto[NoLag> apo auta
    [21:09] <+Luck]sto[NoLag> kai dn ime peiraths
    [21:09] <+Luck]sto[NoLag> tou internet

    [21:09] <+Luck]sto[NoLag> FUCKER

  3. #3
    Rank: Forum Addict
    • Join Date: May 2009
    • Posts: 607


    we will answer here for admin evilflame.

    Topic closed
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    -Osa ksereis anaptisoun tous orizodes ton gnoseon sou kai osa den ksereis se odigoun sta monopatia tis ama8ias!!! ~By kri-kri~

    -When sth nice ends....don't cry...just say thanks!

  4. #4
    Rank: Apprentice
    • Join Date: May 2009
    • Posts: 52


    Issue solved elsewhere.
    John Milton: I'm the hand up Mona Lisa's skirt. I'm a surprise, Kevin. They don't see me coming: that's what you're missing.

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