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  1. #1
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    Default [CLOSED]RageQuit's Th3rapy


    Accused User Account : Th3rapy
    Game Name : PGC3531
    Offence of User : He ragequited, When we killed him, He wrote " ff " and he ragequited, He could not anymore of this game, He could not farm against me middle, Without the 3 ff He wrote " ff " ( So nobody before ffed ) and he left 1 sec later it was ragequitting
    Hostbot : DA-VIP-03

    So, I would like he is wanred 30% or 40 warned for 10 disced + 20/30 for ragequited. Cause He ruined my / our games to leave like that, cause 4v5 sux, and If i was with him ( The team of leaver, I would like be dissapointed by his gest, so i would like He has a lesson

    + I would like to admins to fix the result cause the sentinel makt fake result

    I explain you

    The tinker ( Th3rapy ) Left, so the sentinel ( I was scourge ) Sold all this item, I checked if he had any items, and he didnt have, and They used his rocked + March, so The game is for the opposite team = The sentinel, I asked to Bli5ter to fix the result, He wanted to ( Cause he trusted me ), but an idiot, I'm not going to tell his nickname cause i'm not like that ( ITS C-SNOOPIE THE IDIOT who dont know the rules wanted i go to forum, I can understand him, and He is thinking he know the rules more than me ( HAHAHHA ! ) )

    The game name is 3531 thx to fix it to sentinel

    However you may not use the leaver hero if you sold all the items.

  2. #2
    Rank: Squire
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    You don't win instantly because someone used a leaver. I've never heard of it nor is it stated under our community's rules which you yourself wrote down!

    Let me quote:

    Quote Originally Posted by LostMemory View Post
    Dropped/Leavered Hero Items:
    If a player drops or leaves, for each item on his or her hero, the team may choose to either team sell it or leave it on the dropped/leavered player's hero. Any item may be team sold at any time and in any order. Taking an item from the dropped/leavered player's hero is considered pooling. You may not buy non-sharable items for use on the Dropped/Leavered Player's hero.

    Using A Dropper's/Leaver's Hero:
    A team may choose to use the dropper's/leaver's hero however they choose, but must use it within the rules (i.e. No backdooring inner towers or creep blocking with ES). This means that you may use it "offensively," "defensively," or not at all. However you may not use the leaver hero if you sold all the items.
    As you can see there is no such rule. Thus you left the game without ending it and sentinel won. They just used a leaver which is - at worst - punished with a warning. It doesn't mean you win isntantly! If it would, it would be written down.

    Oh and look, i found something else interesting:

    Quote Originally Posted by LostMemory View Post
    Argument over rules resulting in a leaver IN GAME:
    If a team decides to leave over a dispute in the rules, and that team is in fact WRONG about their assumption of the rules, that team has forfeited the right to play on. Therefore this will result in a Victory for the opposing team. This rule ONLY will be enforced if it involves an argument over the rules and a team leaves in order to force a decision to be made.
    This is what you basically did. They used a leaver to defend the base. You got killed probably and then you quit, saying that rule like "using a leaver is an instant win" - when in fact it is not.

    This games score will not be changed. It will be a reminder to all of you that know the rules thoroughly. Or you'll end up like PGC3531

  3. #3
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    Snoopie if someone use a leaver without his items the result going to the other team. This is the rule this topic finished.

  4. #4
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    The results are for scourge cause the other team use a leaver without items on him

  5. #5
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    Forwarding this to D3athknight.

    You don't make such stupid rules up by yourself. I'll wait for my superiors decision before i let anything be changed.

    Pgc3531's winner is sentinel until D3athknights further notice!

  6. #6
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    What spam?
    If u dont know the rules is not my fault,
    Change it to scourge and exclude the leaver
    You should hate me in game not in forum
    Is not my fault if u dont know the different between a ward and a sentry
    When someone in ur game say " Get wards " wards = Obsever not sentry,
    so, You are wrong, I'm more older than you in this league, so is not you who'll teach me the rules,

    Thx, best regard LosT

    Edited :
    Forwarding this to D3athknight.

    You don't make such stupid rules up by yourself. I'll wait for my superiors decision before i let anything be changed.

    Pgc3531's winner is sentinel until D3athknights further notice!

    And You know what, I dont care about ur superiors or not, You change and u shut up, that's all,

    And i'm pretty sure, Deathknight is comming from NoL, so, i dont think He knows the rules like i do, Cause i played on IGC, and i never seen him in ( Maybe he played or whatever, dont care really )

    P.s : I dont try to offend u, DeathKnight & Sorry, If You ( You = The peoples ) are thinking I'm agressiv with him, dont worry, cause I dont try to be.

    BesT Regard MisS.LosT

  7. #7
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    I would say LostMemory is right in this discussion, as myself I've seen Lyude, yes the head of PGC do the exact same thing as Lostmemory did, and this has always been the rules for leaveruseage in PGC aswell as IGC. If you use a leaverhero, of which you sold items, the opponents can, if they wish to, claim a win right away.

  8. #8
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    I don't understand why are you Jules always talking about me hating you? I'm simply doing my job.

    I don't see it fit that when they used a leaver you're allowed to quit instantly and just say "gg we win" before quitting. I bet everyone was surprised, even Ks.puppey.

    @ Force: well I've never heard of it and my friend from dota.gc and dota-league has never heard of it either. I find it amazingly dumb too. So i'm going to stick to my opinion until D3athknight's further notice.

    Nothing personal Julia. P.S. doubleposting is spam.

  9. #9
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    double post = spam

    So, u were spammed, cause I dont see my double post,
    And, is nto dota league there

    LoL, This guy, Go to report to infecotr ( In private ) like that i cant defend myself, do u think, its good to do it? You could use the forum : (
    And of course the other peoples was suprised cause they didnt really read the rules, and like i'm seeing i know better the rules than you the rules of this league, so, You dont need to wait him,
    ( LoL, An user / know better the rules than a channel admin, Its pathetic :/ ) the rules of this league, so, You dont need to wait him,

    And You can ask to Staff member from IGC, Cause I was too

    And You are doing bad ur job, really bad.
    And of course I'm allowed to quit instantly, why should not i ? if They have question about why i left, I will explain him, that's all, and normally, all users and staff member should know the rules so its for that i left instantly, not my fault if they didnt read the rules and u too, Why, do u want call ur supervisor, normally when u make an admin request, they ask u " Did u read the rules
    Kitz write
    " Have you read the rules and agree to follow them? "
    I suppsoe u wrote " Yes, i did "
    so, You dont need to hide behind ur superior, You failed u failed
    The next time, If u are not sure, dont write any reply, You'll be cute, cause u are ( a bit ) wasting my time, (k)

  10. #10
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    I am not going to defend myself against your feeble minded accusations.

    I'm doing what i think is right. Why are you talking about rules here and there when you can clearly see that no such rules exit. Let me clear it up for you - if the rules would say something like this e.g.

    However you may not use the leaver hero if you sold all the items. But if they do, then the opposite team can be declared as the winner.
    Then i would be happy. It's only a matter of interpreting the rule. You see it your way, i see it my way. Lets see how someone who is ranked higher than me thinks and says the final word.

    Until then, please refrain from posting further foolishness.

  11. #11
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    You dont know to speak with Me,U dont KNOW me I know the rules more than You i have read Better Than You,I play dota 6 years iam older than you..So Shut up To tell D3athknight Dont know the rules where u dont know what do u say,Then if iam the admin i owe to know the rules!So THats enough,No need to spam anymore.If it is continued i will closed it without result

    EDIT:Upload the replay plz to remove my final decision ,Without replay Dont waiting my decision.

    Hello,Iam back

  12. #12
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    Default ..

    well seems you got a lot of fun without me

    anyway i understand both parties, end i will solve the topic 4 you, bc im a rly nice guy :P

    well listen julez and snoop, league reset is in 4 days, so do what every you want, best would be score it draw, then no one is angry, bc anyways it doesnt matter, stats will be restet.

    let me just quote one think, i laughed surely for a minimum of 5 mins.:

    I asked to Bli5ter to fix the result, He wanted to ( Cause he trusted me ), but an idiot, I'm not going to tell his nickname cause i'm not like that ( ITS C-SNOOPIE THE IDIOT who dont know the rules wanted i go to forum
    typical julez, rly awesome,

    Best regards, blis
    B l i 5 t e R
    Show them no FEAR, show them no PAIN!

  13. #13
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    I dunno if my opinion matters, but Julia seems to be right.

    Rules are rules and noone should negate that. U can try to change that rules but in this particular case they did use the leaver after selling his items so they broke the rules that were obligatory that day.

    Firstly C-Snoopie propably didnt find that rule. Its only one, short sentance. But now he should admit that Julia was right.

    And Julia, in my opinion, should write to him in more polite and comprehensible way. Cause her post are one little mess (no offence).

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by lannister View Post
    I dunno if my opinion matters, but Julia seems to be right.

    Rules are rules and noone should negate that. U can try to change that rules but in this particular case they did use the leaver after selling his items so they broke the rules that were obligatory that day.

    Firstly C-Snoopie propably didnt find that rule. Its only one, short sentance. But now he should admit that Julia was right.

    And Julia, in my opinion, should write to him in more polite and comprehensible way. Cause her post are one little mess (no offence).
    In my opinion you should try to read past the first post when telling us your opinion.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bli5teR View Post
    well seems you got a lot of fun without me

    anyway i understand both parties, end i will solve the topic 4 you, bc im a rly nice guy :P

    well listen julez and snoop, league reset is in 4 days, so do what every you want, best would be score it draw, then no one is angry, bc anyways it doesnt matter, stats will be restet.

    let me just quote one think, i laughed surely for a minimum of 5 mins.:

    typical julez, rly awesome,

    Best regards, blis
    I'm sorry Bli5ter, D3ath has said that sentinel has won until a replay has been uploaded and reviewed.

    And if Julia doesn't stop her stupid comments, i am forced to warn her. You don't see anyone else hanging around the forums calling members of the staff names.

  15. #15


    Lost Memory, seriously?? C-Snoopie,D3athknight and Blister are doing their jobs awesome, and who are you to judge them?

    Please give them a break, you're doing nothing else than trolling and making people's life here in PGC sad. I got that from expirience, trust me.

    Oh yeah, Julia, they pretty much know the rules better than you do, and technically they're the ones running this place when Prince is absent, so who are you to tell them what to do and not do? As far as i can see, you were demoted, and people following your example as your time in Super Admin got aswell.. By that i mean, me.

  16. #16
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    Muhaha, Haters team !

    Thx, You fixed it, Kiss <3
    I asked to Bli5ter to fix the result, He wanted to ( Cause he trusted me ), but an idiot, I'm not going to tell his nickname cause i'm not like that ( ITS C-SNOOPIE THE IDIOT who dont know the rules wanted i go to forum

    Why, did u laught, LOOOOL

    Hello, My name is Infector, I support DeathKnight, because He is a super admin, and like that, He'll promote me cause me and Deathknight got the same enemie, The monster JULIA ! And Of course I asked a lot question about the league to Julia even if I play in PGC for 2 weeks, and her for 3 months, I will attack her, cause I trust myself, now, DeathKnight can u promote me to Channel Admin?

    Best regard The INFECTOR

    Hello, I'm THE DEATHKNIGHT, So, I play on PGC 2 weeks, ago, I wrote on my admin application, I play on IDEC ( so its totally wrong ) or maybe The lvl of this league are really bad, but what ever, I didnt know it is forbid to Muted the players, ingame, but like i got more access than Julia its np , And i dont speak english ( Maybe when i wrote " And I dont think DeathKnight know the rules better than me ) WE CALL IT AN OPINION, Thx

    " You dont know to speak with Me,U dont KNOW me I know the rules more than You i have read Better Than You,I play dota 6 years iam older than you "
    First, Dota doesnt exist since 6 years ago, its around 4-3 max 5 years

    Second, You dont know the rules better than me, this is sure,

    Third, You dont play to IDEC, I will ask to my friends who play in, And when i played with you, You were not a decent play, so, I really dont think, it

    Fourth, You can ask to the peoples who was in game, cause They are victim too, You can ask to C-SNOOPIE TOO, because When I wrote the application, He wrote a reply and in this applicatioon, I put the replay, so ask to him, NORMALLY He has the replay

    Best Regard <3

  17. #17


    Right, me and Deathknight is and always have been, Friends except for that little period. You're probably one step away from probably getting your access to Clan PGC forum revoked. I think all agree on that matter !

    And in all honesty, I support C-Snoopie in this matter, cause he knows logic and uses it well, which you fail to reply at, in a non-trolling matter.

    Whatever, enjoy your flaming spree.

    Edit: heheheh.. I'm not intrested to beg my way into the Team, that just isn't my thing.

  18. #18


    Julia we all see you are trolling around and trying to show everyone that you are better than them, but it's not true. You need to find boyfriend or girlfriend and get a life lol. You are making that everyone hates you, becouse of that you don't have friends in real life or what? Just chill and stop flame everybody, so we may like you becouse you are not so bad person that you are looking as. And i agree with D3athKnight that without replay we can't do anything.

  19. #19
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    well ppls, its me again, blis!

    like i always do i, observed the difference of opinion (ofc without taking place on any party) and i got some statements ("no offence" <-- bullshit OFC ITS OFFENCE when i write it, i dont like the cowards writing these 2 words)

    i nrly fall down laughing, when i was reading the post of Julia (i laugh because its funny btw^^), so i dont agree with infector in the point, that the forum access should be invoked of jules, bc the forum would be sooo much more boring without her. i rly like her comments, yes she is flaming a bit, but not in a unfriendly way, its more aggressiv joking. xD

    however 2nd one is the post of druss, pls be less personal in your sentences.

    well at least i want 2 say, why dont you listened 2 me?!, just fucking draw the result and no one has WON, the fuckin LEAGUE RESETs is in a few days.

    however, dont forget we are a big familly, and we still like us.. xaxa

    <3 yours in love
    and ofc best regards
    B l i 5 t e R
    Show them no FEAR, show them no PAIN!

  20. #20


    Get a room

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