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  1. #1
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Jun 2009
    • Posts: 5

    Default user abuse in.ya-face

    gamename: pgc9645
    username: in.ya.face

    reason: flamed and blamed teammates whole game, left before there game was over / there were ff's


  2. #2
    Rank: Apprentice
    • Join Date: Aug 2009
    • Posts: 73


    Posting Format:
    Accused User Account :
    Game Name :
    Offence of User :

    This is the format for posting user reports, please correct it, even tho your isn't bad we need to be strict to our rules.

    36:30 [Allies] anpharad (Terrorblade): how about stunned by enigma
    36:31 [Allies] anpharad (Terrorblade): tard
    36:35 [Allies] In.ya-face (Venomancer): u are the tard
    36:39 [Allies] In.ya-face (Venomancer): u didnt repick this shithero
    36:42 [Allies] anpharad (Terrorblade): ur the flamer
    36:43 vandaal (Azgalor) (1-6) was killed by Volna (Broodmother) (18-6).
    36:49 [Allies] anpharad (Terrorblade): u only can play with "uberheros"
    36:52 [Allies] anpharad (Terrorblade): !mute in.ya-face
    36:52 [All] anpharad (Terrorblade): Player [In.ya-face] was muted by player [anpharad].
    36:53 [Game Command] anpharad (Terrorblade): !mute in.ya-face
    36:54 [Allies] anpharad (Terrorblade): tardface
    36:55 [All] anpharad (Terrorblade): In.ya-face has left the game voluntarily.

    Player anpharad will be punished with 25 warning for flaming at this game

    22:27 [Allies] pLacer (Huskar): b
    22:42 [All] BBFL.ForLife (Dragon): laaaa
    22:42 In.ya-face (Venomancer) (2-4) was killed by Volna (Broodmother) (7-4).
    22:45 [All] In.ya-face (Venomancer): FUCKING TEAM SUX
    22:48 [All] In.ya-face (Venomancer): chsing someone
    22:50 pLacer (Huskar) (1-5) was killed by AKImperial (Enigma) (4-0).
    22:50 [All] In.ya-face (Venomancer): they cant get anyway
    22:52 [All] In.ya-face (Venomancer): FF
    22:53 [All] In.ya-face (Venomancer): noobteam
    22:57 [All] In.ya-face (Venomancer): with noobheros
    23:02 [All] In.ya-face (Venomancer): said "repick fucking noobhero TB"

    Player In.ya-face will be punished for his behavior, and ragequiting around 40-50% warning.

    Warns passed. Close and move asap.

    Regards, r10-
    If u seek revenge dig TWO graves

    Hated by many, Respected by ALL.

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