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  1. #1
    Rank: Wanderer
    • Join Date: Mar 2010
    • Posts: 31

    Cool Admin Application : st3p

    Admin Application : st3p

    Personal Info

    Your name: Dimitris


    Your country:Ellada

    Occupation:Foitisis Fisiko8erapeias

    Spoken languages:Agglika


    Experience, playtimes and general info

    Battle.Net Account: st3p

    Former experience and/or safelisted channels: Grc,Gr,Gdb

    Your activity and average playtime each week: 40 wres/evdomada(M.O)

    Which time of the day you usually play: mesimeri,(14:00-16:00)bradi(00:00-04:00) (efoson de douleuw)

    How long you have been playing DotA 6 xronia

    Your ability to communicate with others: Tharw eimai arketa koinwnikos,kai oti provlimata dimiourgountai sta games/loby/channel nomizw exw ton tropo na ta antimetopizw.

    Have you read the rules and agree to follow them? NAI,diavasa kai ta 10 rules kai simfwnw apolita

    How do you react/behave when you're under pressure? Genika eimai arketa psixremos kai pisteyw borw na antapeksel8w se ka8e idous provlima..Eite 8a simfwnisw eite 8a diafwnisw me kapion nomizw me simmaxo tin psixremia 8a li8ei to opoio provlima dimiourgi8ei..Fisika exoun iparksei stigmes opws oloi mas pou exw neuriazei arketa alla simbenei spaniws..

    Do you have any problems in listening/following your superior's orders? (according to ranks) Oxi fisika,outws i allws kapios prepei na dinei odhgies gia na leitourgei swsta to channel..

    Is there anyone who can vouch for you? Nai iparxoun atoma

    Willing to discuss your application on Ventrilo?(optional) Fisika opiadipote stigmi ektos wrwn ergasias


    Final Thoughts

    Why do you want to be an Admin: Pezw arketa xronia -opws eipa kai prin- kai 8elw na anevw ena epipedo ginontas admin!!Eimai arketes wres mesa etsi 8a borw na kanw polla games!!

    Why should we pick you and what can you offer to us: Nomizw oti borw na ta kataferw arketa kala efoson mou dw8ei i eukairia kai 8etw ton eauto mou -an epilegw fisika- ws ena "ergaleio" gia tin isorropia tou channel.

    A few things about yourself:Opws eipa spoudazw fisiko8erapeia stin Thessaloniki,eimai apo Kalamata ergazomai 2-3 fores tin vdomada ws barman se baraki sto kentro tis polis,pezw basket se omada A'topikou..

    P.S: Eksigisa kai se atoma pou milisa gia to peristatiko pou egina demote kai entaksei i ali8eia einai oti malakistika..Fisika kai den egine skopimws,8a to elega i kakia wra pou leme..Loipon auta euxomai na me dexteite pali...

  2. #2
    Rank: Squire
    • Join Date: Jun 2009
    • Posts: 144


    psiteuw oti tou axizei mia 2i eukairia
    exallou dn ekane kati skopima dn eixe kakes pro8eseis

  3. #3
    Rank: Devotee
    • Join Date: Feb 2011
    • Posts: 286


    +support apo emena file nc application,bebaia dn se exw paitixh nmz pote se game tis nol na mpoume mazoi tixaia alla exeis t support m opws eipa.

  4. #4
    Rank: Disciple
    • Join Date: Jul 2010
    • Posts: 212


    Quote Originally Posted by se_ola_kalloss View Post
    +support apo emena file nc application,bebaia dn se exw paitixh nmz pote se game tis nol na mpoume mazoi tixaia alla exeis t support m opws eipa.

    ρε παλικαρι δε θα ηταν καλυτερα να δινεις support η το αντιθετο σε ατομα με τα οποια εχεις παιξει μαζι κ εχεις μια ιδεα περι τινος προκειται???πως μπορεις να καταλαβεις αν αξιζει καποιος απο το application δεν καταλαβαινω

    στο θεμα μας τωρα ,+1 στο παιδι.αρκετες φορες εχω παιξει μαζι του κ ηταν σωστος παντα..εισουν κ παλιοτερα admin ???ποιος ο λογος που σου αφαιρεσαν τα admin rights?

  5. #5
    Rank: Wanderer
    • Join Date: Mar 2010
    • Posts: 31


    evala gamename nlrtms kai opws exw pei malakistika ekeini tin stigmi(i ali8eia einai oti den perimena na parei teties diastaseis,la8os mou fisika) kai gi auto ksanakanw admin app!!!

  6. #6
    Rank: Banned User
    • Join Date: Aug 2010
    • Posts: 61


    Se olous aksizei mia deuteri efkeria gogo man!

  7. #7
    Rank: Wanderer
    • Join Date: Jun 2009
    • Posts: 35


    LoL ofc k support siga to paraptwma -.- Oi protheseis metrane k oxi ta logia nlrtms tha borouse na min shmainei k tpt.....Apo tin stigmi p dn eixe kanena warn i tpt dn eprepe na eixe ginei demote eksarxhs pisteuw !

  8. #8
    Rank: Elite Poster
    • Join Date: Apr 2009
    • Posts: 948


    Δεύτερη και τελευταία ευκαιρία.


    Παρακαλώ να διαβαστούν προσεκτικά τα rules και τα πρόσθετα.
    Θα ήθελα να γίνω αυτό που ήμουν όταν ήθελα να γίνω αυτό που είμαι τώρα.

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