Personal Info
Your name:giannis
Your country:ellada
Occupation: psaras
Spoken languages:elinika aglika germanika servika
Experience, playtimes and general info
Battle.Net Account:skulikas
Former experience and/or safelisted channels:ksekinisa na pezw apo ena net mesa apo lan games.pezw nol 3 xronia.exw peksi episis grc2 ocod kai garena.
Your activity and average playtime each week:28
Which time of the day you usually play:it dipence from my work
How long you have been playing DotA:7 years
Your ability to communicate with others:iden exw logo na malwsw me kapion akomi kai an exw adiko to paradexome kai den dimiourgo provlimata
Have you read the rules and agree to follow them? ta diavasa kai simfono
How do you react/behave when you're under pressure?prosp8w na kratw ta pneumata irema gia na min dimiourgounte fasaries gia na min xalaei i roi tou pexnidiou
Do you have any problems in listening/following your superior's orders? (according to ranks) ennoeitai pws tha akousw tis gnwmes twn allwn kai analogos tha sumfwnisw h tha diafwnisw me hremo panta tropo
Is there anyone who can vouch for you? exw arketous filous pou pisteuw 8a me poume pourlioths bafs_bunny pocco_locco mormegil kai arketous akoma.
Willing to discuss your application on Ventrilo?(optional)
Final Thoughts
Why do you want to be an Admin: loipon prwton epeidh tis perissoteres fores pou paizw dota einai meta thn epeidh den uparxoun games ekeines tis wres tha bohthisw kai emena kai tous upoloipous pou gia ton idio logo me emena den mporoun na broun game.
Why should we pick you and what can you offer to us: opws anefera kai apo epanw tha kanw games tis wres pou ta games einai ligosta kai disebreta kai etsi tha bohthisw atoma pou psaxnoun game na broun.
A few things about yourself:mono psarema kai dota tipota allo.
Additional information: oti 8elete gia to psarema na voi8isw poli euxaristws.