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  1. #1
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Aug 2010
    • Posts: 4

    Default Admin Application : geos07

    Personal Info

    Your name:giwrgos


    Your country:greece


    Spoken languages:ellhnika agglika gallika

    Experience, playtimes and general info

    Battle.Net Account:geos07

    Former experience and/or safelisted channels:eleos, clan nol, garena , dota-league . se auta ta channels exw drasthriopoih8ei kuriws.

    Your activity and average playtime each weekeripou 3 wres ka8e mera.

    Which time of the day you usually play:sunh8ws meta tis 10 pm

    How long you have been playing DotA: fetos kleinw 3 xronia dota gaming .

    Your ability to communicate with others:dn 8a elega oti exw kapoio provlhma sto na akousw opoiondhpote provlhmatismo 8elei na anaferei kapoios pekths.twra se periptwsh pou prokeitai gia katastaseis ubristikes kai prosvlhtikes sigoura 8a kanw oti kalhtero borw gia na upar3ei ta3h sto game.

    Have you read the rules and agree to follow them?nai exw diavasei k eimai pro8umos na desmeu8w plhrws me olous tous kanonismous pou sugrotoun thn nol gia oso kairo 8a eimai admin. kai an apotuxw eimai etoimos na labw opoiadhpote poinh krinete.

    How do you react/behave when you're under pressure?dn pistevw pws borei na upar3ei kapoia idiaiterh morfh pieshs mesw autou tou paixnidiou.toulaxiston egw pote dn 8ewrhsa oti vre8hka se kapoia katastash thn opoia dn borusa na apofhgw logw pieshs h sunais8hmatikhs fortishs,asxeta an dn to ekana gt alliws dras san aplos player k alliws san admin.nmz einai gegonos auto kai adiamsfhsbithto

    Do you have any problems in listening/following your superior's orders? (according to ranks):kanena apolutws provlhma skopos m dn einai na er8w edw gia na poulhsw trela opws 8a anaferw k pio katw.

    Is there anyone who can vouch for you?o greekgod borei na sas pei arketa pragmata gia mena, epishs sxolia boreite na apokomisete k apo ton bearwalker,

    Willing to discuss your application on Ventrilo?(optional)kanena provlhma efoson uparxei evelh3ia sto wrario gt exw arketes drasthriothtes ka8hmerina.

    Final Thoughts

    Why do you want to be an Admin:teleutaia parathrw ena "bothliarsma" sto channel ths nol kai mia adunamia na kalhf8ei olh auth h zhthsh gia games.etsi san gamer kai egw exw vre8ei arketes stigmes sth dusaresth katastash na adunatw na bw se game kai etc apofasisa na boh8hsw k egw sthn kalhpsh olhs auths ths akoresths dipsas gia nl games XD(kai mazi me twn allwn k thn dikh mou).

    Why should we pick you and what can you offer to us:koita3te euxologies gia idanikh proswpikothta kai aerologies gia ageloudia dn 8a sas p borw na sas pw einai oti apo thn stigmh p 8a ginw melos auths koinothtas eimai etoimos na sumorfw8w plhrws me tus kanones ka8ws pleon ektos apo player 8a exw k thn idiothta tou owner kata kapoion tropo kai auto dn borw na to agnohsw. dikaiwmata k upoxrewseis pane mazi kai auto dn skopeuw na to 3exasw.

    A few things about yourself:spoudazw sto oikonomiko panepisthmio a8hnwn m aresei h kolhmbhsh k proskhnaw suro.

    Additional information:shoutout to greekgod to mono admin p 8a sunexisei na sas bgazei asproproswpous. o batman tou channel eleos :P


  2. #2
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Apr 2011
    • Posts: 5


    +1 ston geo fysika einai enas apo tous kaluterous players p kserw me kala manners, sigoura tha diaxeiristei auta ta parapanw dikawmata tou admin opws prepei...GL

  3. #3
    Rank: Forum Addict
    • Join Date: Jul 2010
    • Posts: 564


    Χαχαχαχα σε ευχαριστώ γιώργο για τα καλά σου λόγια προς το πρόσωπο μου.Να πω και εγώ λοιπόν,αφού σε ξέρω από real life,ότι αξίζεις όσο τίποτε άλλο αυτά τα δικαιώματα.Πολύ καλά manners,μπορείς να διαχειριστείς τις δύσκολες καταστάσεις με ψυχραιμία και να αποφασίζεις πάντα το σωστό όταν πρέπει.Σου εύχομαι το appli να γίνει δεχτό,για να δείξεις και εσύ τι αξίζεις.Καλή τύχη !!!

    ( Click to show/hide )
    Invoker !!!

    [Ogre Magi]: Nai ok ama evlepes ti mpike sto net,8a argouses kai esu
    [Phoenix]: xaxaxaxaxaxaxax
    [Rikimaru]: hahahaha egrapse hahahahahaha

  4. #4
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Aug 2010
    • Posts: 4


    kala pote teleiwnun ta application eleos .. 3 ebdomades einai p exume kanei request?fadasou ti exun na diavasun ta staff members :S

  5. #5


    +1 k apo mena pl kalos pextis pl kala manners ap tous pio katalilous gia admin

  6. #6
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Sep 2010
    • Posts: 18

    Default ~~

    +1 ston geo fysika einai enas apo tous kaluterous players pou exw peksei mazi kala manners Aksizei na einai admin ton kserw k RL ande Gz bro...ALA ena pou exeis ksexasei eine oti prepei na exeis kai 20 post ade kane kanena Noob

  7. #7
    Rank: Superior Deity
    • Join Date: May 2009
    • Posts: 1,423


    Δεν έχεις την απαιτούμενη συμμετοχή στο forum (απαίτηση 3).

    Το οτι παιζεις στην NOL ειναι προνομιο και οχι δικαιωμα

    kai an den grafw ston kakto mou...

    < vanilia > o chuck norris einai o monos pou den tha faei ban

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