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  1. #1
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Jun 2009
    • Posts: 11

    Default Admin Application : Am0nas.

    Personal Info

    Your name: Tolis


    Your country:Greece

    Occupation: Texnikow ipologiston

    Spoken languages:elinika,agglika

    Experience, playtimes and general info:garena,pdc, NoL (panw apo 700 games me ayto to acc)

    Battle.Net Account: Am0nas.

    Former experience and/or safelisted channels : pezw 5xronia kai eimai arketa kalos paixtis

    Your activity and average playtime each week : pezw sxedon kathe mera arketes wres

    Which time of the day you usually play: mesimeri, apogeuma kai arga to vradi

    How long you have been playing DotA: 5xronia

    Your ability to communicate with others:eimai koinwniko atomo den neuriazw me tpt ,

    Have you read the rules and agree to follow them? tous exw diabasei ta rules kai simfwnw apolita

    How do you react/behave when you're under pressure? Eimai poli psixraimos kai den neuriazw me tpt

    Do you have any problems in listening/following your superior's orders? (according to ranks) den exw problima apo ti stigmi pou o allos exei megalitero rank apo mena ,euxaristos na kanw ayto pou mou zitaei

    Is there anyone who can vouch for you? Pezw apo tin arxi tou NoL pisteyw na exw kerdisei kapoious apo to channel kai na me kanoun vouch

    Willing to discuss your application on Ventrilo?(optional) kai ventrillo kai skype

    Final Thoughts

    Why do you want to be an Admin:Gt pistebw oti exw tin empiria pou xreiazete gia na ferthw analoga stin kathe periptwsi pou tixi

    Why should we pick you and what can you offer to us: wraia games followed by rules

    A few things about yourself:eimai poli koinwnikos mou aresei na bgenw gia kafe me filous m ,m aresoun ta athlimata (podosfairo ,basket) kai m aresei na pezw poli dota .......

  2. #2
    Rank: Forum Addict
    • Join Date: Dec 2010
    • Posts: 716

    Default ME[G]A

    +1 apo emena ston amona einai kalos paixtis kai m polu kala manners alla exeis liga post prospathise na ftaseis ta 20 gl br0
    Ημουν και εγω στο Mercedes!!

  3. #3
    Rank: Disciple
    • Join Date: Jul 2010
    • Posts: 212


    support kai se auton.ρε mega ti na ta kanei ta post?700 games exei to paidi ta 13 post p leipoun tha mas peiraxoun???ton parakineis na ginei spammer,eisai kaki epiroh mega.
    Φα δίεση ο Φιόγκος, κι ο Ρούχλας είναι Λα...ο Σεβαστιανός διηγείται στη γραμμή του Σι και στο Μι τραγουδάει παραμύθια η Μελιά.

    Watch your thoughts...they become your words. Watch your words...they become your actions. Watch your actions... they become your habits. Watch your habits... they become your character. Watch your character... it becomes your destiny!

  4. #4
    Rank: Disciple
    • Join Date: Jan 2011
    • Posts: 213

    Default +1

    +1 sto paidi exw paiksei kapia games mazi toy.. dn tn exw dei oute na vrizei oute na klegete paizei gia to team...

  5. #5
    Rank: Superior Deity
    • Join Date: May 2009
    • Posts: 1,423


    Δεν έχεις την απαιτούμενη συμμετοχή στο forum (απαίτηση 3).

    Το οτι παιζεις στην NOL ειναι προνομιο και οχι δικαιωμα

    kai an den grafw ston kakto mou...

    < vanilia > o chuck norris einai o monos pou den tha faei ban

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